
The moon was very low in the sky and close to the Earth tonight. I didn’t have a tripod handy while waiting in a left-turn lane, so things were a little blurry. The sky was this deep blue that gave the night a special energy.

As sometimes happens on weekends, I found myself at a party I didn’t want to go to, but decided that I had to in order to be “social”. As usual, I left at the earliest appropriate time and spent the rest of the night driving around alone and shooting photographs. When I took photography classes an age ago in high school, my teacher was a fan of urban street shots, so I saw a lot of those as examples and I suppose it’s ingrained in me now. And that’s how this shot happened.

I’ve been having a lot of late nights; rather, early mornings. I’ve been going to sleep around five in the morning lately. When I’m alone wandering at night, the world is my world, and I can see things like this moon. I love nights like tonight.

This might not have looked exactly like this in person, but this is how I saw it. I’ve failed myself, and I’ve failed others, but I’m clearer now about my surroundings since my job evaporated. Through the haze, the stupor, the aimlessness, I can see something. Thank you, universe. My path has been illuminated.

I shot this around midnight. As I drove home, the fog I drove through became impossible to resist, so I ran into my house, grabbed my tripod, and shot this photo. It’s not a midnight sun these leaves are reaching for, but streetlight seemingly suspended in the fog. Everything is so still in the middle of the night, and with the fog, isolated too.

Burning posted in my Flickr photostream. (more…)